Avoiding Distractions = Avoiding Crashes

Jay Stillman

2 min read
Accident Attorney Nashville
YouTube/Safety Memos Publishing Company

Our Stillman and Friedland blog has pointed out a number of times that distracted driving is dangerous driving! In fact, distracted driving is even more dangerous than drunk driving. Although we multi-task at home and at work, it just does not work when you are on the road. Here is a great presentation that drives the point home:

Just to recap, below is the list of “don’ts” to avoid so you can drive safely and arrive alive.
Remember: Anything that takes away your mental or visual focus is a distraction!

  • Using even a hands-free phone diverts attention from the road. Never, ever text while driving.
  • Eating or drinking means you are using one or both hands. Spills make for even more distraction.
  • Tuning the radio and changing music also takes away your focus; try a playlist or CD instead.
  • Applying makeup or shaving takes away mental and visual focus as you look in the mirror and not at the road.
  • Checking a map or GPS also physically makes you shift focus from far to near. With a GPS, looking at a brightly lit screen at night and then back to the road makes you lose night vision. This is also true of cell phones.
  • Playing loud music doubles the risk of a crash, and keeps you from hearing emergency vehicles.
  • Pets and passengers are also distractions. Kids and pets should be restrained, and avoid heated discussions while driving. For more tips on driving with kids, click here.

Stillman and Friedland remind you to Drive Safely! Because we care…