Latest Science on Health: Gut Healing

Jay Stillman

3 min read


gutAt Stillman and Friedland we work hard so our clients get the financial recovery they deserve. Another way we go the extra mile for our clients is by offering the latest scientific information for physical and emotional well-being, so that our clients can make the fullest total recovery possible.

We have been encouraging our clients to explore the most cutting-edge piece of the health puzzle, the gut microbiome. In a previous post, we introduced the main concepts behind this exciting new area of research, and how your gut bacteria are an essential component of your well-being. If you have experienced a traumatic injury and have been prescribed anti-biotics, or you know your diet could use some improvement, this information can transform your healing process.

To review briefly, the makeup of the bacterial environment in your intestines influences many processes in your body. For example, serotonin, a feel-good hormone, is produced mostly (80%) in your gut, when you have a good balance of various types of bacteria. On the other hand, inflammation is aggravated by an imbalance in the variety of bacteria.

What we have been learning in the last few years is not only the influence of our bacterial colonies but how to change, expand and improve the composition of our essential bacteria for the better. The good news is that a rapid change in gut flora is possible by reversing the negative influences of diet, environment and anti-biotics. A better gut microbiome gives you a feeling of well-being, better nutrient absorption, lower risk of colon cancer, relief from headaches and many other benefits.

Antibiotic drugs, exposure to chlorine, and poor diet can kill off the more beneficial bacteria and lead to the overgrowth of inflammatory bacteria. For example, research indicates that the predominance of certain bacteria increases inflammation. Prevotella bacteria seems to be a causal factor in arthritis, but by changing your diet you can counter this problem and help yourself feel better without resorting to drugs.

You can affect a change in your gut microbiome in several ways:

  1. Diet:
    • reduce or omit sugars and empty carbohydrates, which feed the “bad bugs”
    • increase beneficial fats such as olive oil, butter, coconut oil, avocado, nuts (not peanuts), and animal fats from organic meats to repress the growth of inflammatory bacteria
    • add in prebiotics — mostly vegetable sources of soluble fibers inulin and oligofructose which feed the helpful bacteria in your gut
  2. Eliminate sanitary panic and reduce exposure to agents which kill beneficial bacteria:
    1. Use antibiotics only when necessary—to treat severe bacterial infection, or in cases where your doctor determines a preventive approach is warranted such as extensive burns or surgery. Never take antibiotics for viral infections, against which they are useless.
    2. Use a water filter that removes bacteria-killing chlorine from your tap water.
    3. Sparing use of antibacterial agents is best. These include hand sanitizer and kitchen or bathroom sprays. Opt for vinegar as opposed to bleach-based products.
  3. Last and most powerfully, increase your beneficial bacteria directly:
    1. Eat probiotic fermented foods such as homemade sauerkraut and pickles, unsweetened yogurt with active cultures, kimchee, kombucha, and kefir. These are also very helpful for children at an early age and have been shown to be protective against ASD and ADHD.
    2. Add probiotics as a diet supplement
    3. Change your gut flora by direct application — this is a powerful way to fight recurrent C-dif and conditions such as Crohn’s disease and IBS.

In summary, our gut microbiome is a crucial and dynamic part of our well-being. Having a bountiful array of beneficial bacteria is an essential part of recovering and maintaining health. We also have simple but powerful tools to make radical and rapid changes for the better—in only a few days will get you on the road to recovery.

* This blog entry should not be construed as medical advice or treatment for any specific condition. Only a licensed medical professional can properly diagnose and treat medical conditions. If you have any question regarding your health, please consult with your healthcare provider.