Accidents, Recovery and Relieving Pain

Jay Stillman

4 min read

accident pain


During the past 30 years of practice as an injury attorney, I have represented thousands of Tennesseans injured at work or injured in a truck or car collision on the roads of Tennessee. The types of injuries vary greatly: neck and back, shoulders, hips, legs, knees, all kinds of orthopedic injuries often caused by car accidents and work accidents.

Despite the best medical treatment available, including surgeries, bone grafts, joint replacements, rotator cuff repairs, many of these clients still ask after years of treatment, “Why am I still in so much pain?” and “Why can’t I return to my life, my work, and my activities with my family?”

You may be surprised by what my research has uncovered.

Many Americans suffer from issues associated with autoimmune disease, which can impact their ability to recover from serious injuries in accidents. These include: difficulty recovering from back and neck injuries, recovery from injuries to the joints, exacerbation of arthritic and degenerative conditions — all of which make it more difficult to recover from chronic and acute pain. These are many of the problems suffered by the thousands of people injured in accidents and work injuries who I have represented over the past 30 years.

Of course, these injuries were caused by the events for which Stillman and Friedland are representing them for, but the best medical treatment in the world does not always completely heal their pain. There may be steps you can take to help speed your recovery, and relieve your pain in conjunction with the efforts of your doctors.

So what is the cause of these factors which make it harder to recover from serious injuries? How can you reduce your dependence on pain medications?

The answer is diet!

Research has revealed that many of us cannot properly digest wheat and grain products, especially products containing gluten, a protein found in breads, cakes, cookies, and just about all products containing wheat and other grains. It doesn’t matter whether they are whole wheat, whole grains, or refined, all contain gluten. Research indicates that our digestive systems have difficulty digesting these proteins, more broadly known as prolamines. As a result, over time, this condition causes incontinence of the intestinal tract, commonly called “leaky gut.” Bacteria and other elements leak out of the intestinal system and into the surrounding tissues of our abdomen, creating problems in the process.

These contaminants trigger the production of antibodies, a natural defense mechanism of our autoimmune system.

One of the most common names for this type of condition is called Celiac Disease. There are also many other forms not easily diagnosed, broadly known as “gluten intolerance.”

So what does all this have to do with people suffering injuries like our clients? Their diet of wheat and grain products continually infuse contaminants into their abdomen and their bodies’ reactions may make their recovery more difficult, from the pain and injuries of their joints, injuries to their vertebrae, and many other orthopedic injuries. Chronic migraine headaches from which they have great difficulty recovering, are particularly prevalent after serious injuries at work and car or truck accidents.

Yes, this sounds like an unlikely explanation for difficulty recovering from injuries, and continuing pain, however the research being done in the past few years provides evidence that such a connection may in fact exist between diet and recovery from injuries, with increase in pain associated with those injuries.

If you are suffering from chronic pain, from injuries in accidents, ask your doctor about this condition. More importantly, I encourage you to conduct your own research on the Internet, beginning with the authoritative sources cited below and expand your research outward from that point. You may want to try a change in your diet to see for yourself if your level of pain decreases. Personally, I did and my pain decreased by 50% of what I was suffering before I changed my diet.

Your pain may be like mine, from ruptured discs in your back or neck or general degenerative disc disease or arthritis, or even fibromyalgia and migraine headaches.

Keep in mind, this is not meant to be an authoritative medical essay and I have no training in medicine or health studies! My purpose in writing this article is to bring to your attention a very possible explanation for difficulty recovering from the ongoing pain of your injuries, with the hope that you will research and inquire further into this subject and that you may find some additional relief from your suffering.

The ideas expressed herein are my own summary of research based upon expert studies conducted by many authorities, including those cited below.

I hope you will inquire further and find hope and healing, to restore your enjoyment of life to the full extent possible for your injuries and condition.

Best Wishes,

Jay Stillman
Stillman and Friedland Attorneys
Nashville, TN

A few of the many authorities for the information herein can be found in the studies and publications of:

Cardiologist William Davis, MD

Gary Taubes, Research Journalist

Michael Eades, MD